Chaplain + Selah, Whelped 7.16.2023
inquiries please email:
All Puppies SOLD!
Chaplain + Faith's Puppies, Whelped 4.1.21
1 day old
Preacher + Faith's Puppies Whelped 12/18/2017
1 day old
UKLabradors Puppies, Whelped 3.16.17
contact Patrick 314.420.2600
or email
to reserve your puppy expected October 2017, ready December 2017!
Puppy Litter Available December 2016
UKLabrador Puppies, Whelped 11.4.16
All Puppies SOLD, please email
to be added to our 2017 waiting list.
5 weeks old
17 days old
13 days old
5 days old
Contact Patrick at 314-420-2600
or email:
to inquire for
"Preacher" & "Faith" (Scottish Field Labrador Retrievers)
Puppies ready for new homes before Christmas!
"Preacher" & "Faith" (Scottish Field Labrador Retrievers)
Puppies ready for new homes before Christmas!
Former eight week litter pictures
6 weeks
3 females
4 males
Whelped 5/20/14
7 puppies
3 females, 4 males
Contact Patrick at 314-420-2600 or email
*Litter of puppies all SOLD
1 female available (as of 8/1/12)
1 male and 2 females available (as of 6/27/12)
1 males | 4 females available (as of 6/5/12)
9 weeks
*8weeks old
*6 weeks old
Quail wing
*5 weeks
Quail wing
4 Dogs
8 Dams
*4/25/12 4 weeks old
*4/18/12 three weeks old
*4/11/12 two weeks old
*4/3/12 one week old
*3/27/12 litter, less then a day old